
Music Festival and my Mon/Tues

Sunday was the Fete de Musique here in France and it is a huge deal. The entire country jams out for the better part of the day, all in celebration that it's officially "summer" (it feels like spring). I started out around 4 or so, at Parc Prebendes where I knew there would be a concert going on.

I btw became the person to know, because I had gone to the tourism office earlier and gotten a little schedule of events (complete with map) showing what was starting when and where to find it. Yep pretty sweet.

Then I met up with Mary and some other girls at Place Plume and we listened to a girl called Soem and then a blues group. We got kind of bored and started wandering. We met up with Jane after that and wandered a bit. Then was dinner (sandwich, not the best) and we listened to a reggae group (not really) followed by a british pop group called The Radiophones who had THE cutist drummer. What is it about drummers? Anyway I digress...

So we were pretty done with place plume then so we followed jane and met up with these french guys she's gotten to know (just ok looking) and then we met up with even more girls. Then the group redivided and my group went and got drinks (I got a pina colada). So then we went back to place plume for a while, and I finally headed home around 12:30, at which point I realized that it was about dinner time on the other side of the pond and called my dad. End of day.

Monday was very tired. Everyone was tired. Really really tired. Our teacher tried to be all "Tell me what you guys did this weekend" and we all just looked at her like "Really? What do you Think we did this weekend?" Funny. Then after classes Hannah and Stephen and I went and did a little pre-sale shopping. Eurodiff was having a pre-sale and so I got a pair of shoes, a shirt and a scarf all 40% off. We also mapped out our plan for tomorrow. Soldes are awesome. Today was spent miserably shuffling through a really long day of classes. Yuck. Great art history class though and afterword I talked to my mom on fb and played some foos with Wayne.

End of day.

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