
Blog Post Ideas 11-20

11. What were some of your favorite childhood board games?

12. What movie (if any) in theaters do you want to see?

13. If you could take any movie and watch it on IMAX, what would it be?

14. What are some of the best/funniest Apples-to-Apples match-ups you’ve had?

15. What is your pet’s name? What’s the story there?

16. Are you a beach or mountain person?

17. Why did you start a blog?

18. What was the last meal you had?

19. When was the last time you had milk and cookies?

20. What is your dream car?

Once again, I'd love to hear your responses, so if you decide to use one, leave me a link!


  1. 11. What were some of your favorite childhood board games? snakes n ladders

    12. What movie (if any) in theaters do you want to see? Angels and Demons

    13. If you could take any movie and watch it on IMAX, what would it be? Some big action movie. Star Trek maybe.

    14. What are some of the best/funniest Apples-to-Apples match-ups you’ve had? What?

    15. What is your pet’s name? What’s the story there? Lindsay. We named her after my wife's mother's side of the family since we got her immediately after a Lindsay family gathering

    16. Are you a beach or mountain person? Mountain definitely

    17. Why did you start a blog? As a place to practice writing.

    18. What was the last meal you had? My meals are very boring these days: a poached egg with baked beans and a mug of green tea.

    19. When was the last time you had milk and cookies About 50 years ago.

    20. What is your dream car? A Prius. A friend just got one and I'm in love.

  2. Barry, you haven't had milk and cookies in over 50 years??? That really truly should be a crime.


Hey, feel free to give me any comments, concerns, or questions. Love to here 'em. Witty responses get bonus points.