

I think I mentioned before that we have lunch together in the mensa (dining hall) everyday as a group. Well, after a week of school lunches I've come up with a few conclusions.

1.) I intend on buying lunch a majority of the time. It's 2 euros for whatever you can fit on your plate from either of the two main lines, and at 10 euros a week, I can't really do any better.

2.) German students eat slightly better food than American students (at least at all the schools I've attended), but it's essentially on the same level. The food really isn't that bad at all. I didn't care for the meatloaf too much, but I've never been a huge fan of meatloaf. The fried tilapia filet I had today was probably my favorite so far.

3.) Trends: Germans have a lot more sauce-based meals. They also eat more rice, which is fine with me because I like rice. I just don't put pepper on it the way they do. (No salt, just pepper). They also eat this white lumpy dessert stuff that I'm slightly scared to try, but considering how many of them eat it almost everyday I think I'll have to. I got up the nerve to ask what it was and I think it may be some kind of rice pudding.

4.) I've also gotten to observe the crowd of Uni Paderborn students eating lunch. They mostly look like the crowd you would see at Russell House. Slightly preppy on average, and with more scarves. Part of the differences I think are seasonal, but others are just Europe vs. America. Mostly though people are wearing the same sorts of tops and jeans people wear back home.

5.) I'm not sure where this comes from but for whatever reason the stereotype is that most Germans are blond. I'm going to go ahead and call this myth Busted. I probably have the lightest colored hair of anyone in our group, minus Dr. Tiemann who is actually blond, and definitely most everyone I see around has darker hair. Brunettes are by far the majority.

6.) I knew this before but I thought I'd reiterate for those who are unfamiliar with europe: they cut up everything. They use a fork and knife on every item on their plate that does not require a spoon. Even french fries. Absolutely hysterical. I'm doing my best to fit in, but I feel awkward. I kind of hope the mensa serves sandwiches or burgers or something like that one day just so I can watch them cut it up.

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