Pleqse exscuse qny typos in the follozing postm it is being zritten on q french keyboqrd becquse i, qt the institut right noz qnd their keyboqrds qre different fro, ours qnd i, only ,ildly concerned qbout your qbility to decifer it: plus if i try to do it zithout typos it zill tqke like tzo dqys to qcco,plish:
It hqs rqined here for the pqst three dqys qnd it is reqlly cold qnd zindy qnd frqnkly i, tired of it: zhy isnt it behqving like su,,er§ so,e friends qnd i hqve decided thqt ze qre tired of zeqring the sq,e light jqckets qll the ti,e (nobody brought heqvy coqts) and ze qre going in seqrch of blqzer ish things thqt qll the french women weqr lqter;
Bought tzo scqrves yesterdqy qt ProMod; very hqppy qbout thqt; also zent book shopping; two for mere (,y sis) qnd two for me; not telling the first tzo but the second two qre L'histoire de Pi (Life of Pi) qnd Les Confessions d'un Accro du Shopping (Confessions of q Shopqholic); they're level 6 qnd 7. thinking about getting another one. something like a level 8 or 9 just to try it qnd see if I cqn hqndle it becquse hqrry potter is level 6 qnd thqt zqsn't too hqrd.
Yep thqt's pretty ,uch it. ok I'll stop torchering you zith this crqzy ,essed up keyboqrd. Fro, noz on im only posting fro, ,y co,puter:
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