So after class wednesday (the first day of soldes) Hannah, Stephen (pronounced steph-ahn) and I went shopping. It was crazy, but awesome. I didn't buy a lot (I've already done a bit of shopping as you know) but the stuff I did get was incredibly cheap. One shirt (a new favorite) was only 3 euros. I know right? We had a great time. Stephen was a good shopping buddy, but Hannah and I kind of felt bad for dragging him around so many girl stores. We tried to get into a men's or a shoe store every other store so he wouldn't be too too bored.
Random observation: french people are completely oblivious to other people around them. they really don't notice anyone else around them, stepping up in front of you when you're at a rack, even cutting lines. it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Well anyway, yesterday, Lucia Hannah and I took the bus to the H&M. OMG. It was literally three times as big as the one by my house (atlanta). Crazy huge. Made a couple purchases. Including a butterfly ring that was only a euro. *contented sigh*.
Today Hannah and I made a trip to the fnac (pronounced fuh-nack) for the books. Generally speaking it's kind of like a best buy, but they also have a fairly large book section. Got a french-french dictionary (a Petit Robert for anyone who cares) because I've wanted one for a while and the 4th Harry P (our new nickname for him) because well why not. Will probably start Accro du Shopping next though. Hm. Ok that's about it. Peace.
Music Festival and my Mon/Tues
Today we went to chenonceau. This was not a trip via the institute, but rather via Duffy (it's coming from our extra Duffy money for the knowledge of mes parents). Twenty minute train ride takes you directly to the castle. Right out front. Kind of funny really.
Lovely castle, goes right over the river. One problem: old castles require maintenance and that maintenance can last years. Maintenance requires scaffolding, my pet peeve. So I practiced a little Jackie-Cantwell-Photography-Magic (aka tips I got from the AJC living section). You can get great angled photos, side views, and vertical shots that just barely cut out the undesired section. Another great way to "cut out" scaffolding: stick a person in front of it. Literally place your desired model so that they (mostly their head) blocks the undesired section (aka the icky scaffolding) and leaves the rest of the beautiful tourist attraction in view. Perfect every time.
Also took some blurry pictures of the indoors. Oh and there was this cute little maze which we got totally excited about, because really who doesn't love a hedge maze? But then we got completely let down, seeing as we were rather too tall (the hedges only came up to our shoulders) and rather too smart (it would have been a difficult maze if we had been like, 5). Oops. Explored the gift shop. Nothing worth buying. Got back on the train. Went and got a chocolate eclair for no reason other than I wanted one. It was delicious.
This has been the 6 oclock news from FTDO. Jackie Cantwell, signing out.
Thursday of Crazy Week
Ok prepare yourself for the revelation of the century (not really): I don't like wine. It's not just a certain type of wine either. We had dry wines, we had sweet wines, we had white wines, we had red wines, we had many different types of wine. And I didn't like them. Just not my thing. The average glass of wine has about 100 calories, the average chocolate milkshake has about 200. I'd rather have the milkshake than the two glasses of wine, sorry. A sweet wine has more calories than a coca-cola and I would definitely choose the coke.
Cheese however is a different matter: I LOVE cheese. We had goat cheese, cow cheese, sheep cheese, pasteurized cheese, not pasteurized cheese (which is not allowed aux Etats Unis)...and I loved it all. The camembert was a favorite. Love cheese. Could eat that stuff all day long...(on a related note: I have become adjusted to the goat cheese with strawberry jam combo and now find it an acceptable dessert).
Oh and if anyone was wondering, 3-4 glasses of wine DOES make me tipsy. I was a far cry from drunk but I definitely had a slight headache and standing completely still without wavering was starting to become a problem. I kind of knew that would happen though, seeing as my mom is also petite and her limit is really about 2-3 glasses.
Yep. That was the wine and cheese tasting. Any questions? No? Good. Moving on.
Crazy week: Part 1
Wednesday I went to Azay-le-rideau and Villandry (both chateaux).
Azay is a really neat castle that's situated right next to the river so it has a sort of natural moat going for it. Very pretty and it was a gorgeous day. really pretty architecture, and the furnishings are incredibly gorgeous but of course no flash photography indoors. blurry photos are no fun. but it was still really really cool and olivier (the awesome are history prof) was with us. he is so passionate about his subject and his knowledge of everything is so incredible.
Villandry was that same afternoon (there's no classes on wednesdays in France) and it was also amazing. it may be my favorite chateaux based on pure beauty. The castle itself is nice and looks very nice, but its famous for its gardens. They are the most beautiful things ever, the flowers are all perfect and perfectly placed. It smells like heaven too. The entire area is filled with the perfume of all the flowers.
Then we were really hot and we wanted ice cream and they had all these really unusual flavors. Like flower flavors. I debated between rose and lavender, but I decided on rose. It was good, not a new favorite or anything, but it was sweet and cold and that's what I needed. You definitely feel like you're eating a flower, but it wasn't bad at all.
Ok so that's pretty much it...more later!
Amboise and Blois
You've already heard about my two scarves (I'm thinking of getting another one) and my books (also thinking of getting another one).
You must now hear about my super fabulous buy. Before this totally gets eclipsed though I'll throw in the fact that I also got a cute little cardigan. Ok anyway on to THE purchase.
So it was really yucky and cold and AWFUL for like the past three days. Ugh. I hate rain and I hate cold and it was not going well for me. So a bunch of us were in this I-need-a-jacket/coat kind of mood so we went shopping. (this weekend is going to be hot ironically). We were in zara and noticing that the bomber jacket look is very in right now and were commenting on how we had seen them quite a bit since arriving in france. problem: leather is expensive. so we moved on to the next store. Pimkie.
I (along with Mary and Katie) were standing around watching Tegan try on a brown leather bomber jacket (which she ended up buying) when I noticed a black leather jacket on the rack below. It's sort of a blazer look (almost). think fitted leather jacket with some seaming and zipper accents. less bomber more sleek. It was priced at 30 euros (give or take $40). Guess what came home. *happy face*
Yep. The grand purchase. hurrah. Ok off to do more shopping. (jk)
The crazy woman I live with
I have been whining about the food for some time now about how it's always like all veggies and salad. Well last night I found out the reason for this. She serves me veggies and salads and healthy stuff because she knows I eat sandwiches (which I consider healthy) everyday for lunch. She's trying to make sure that my diet is balanced so I don't get fat. I would love to tell her that if my diet gets any more balanced, I'm going to starve. So I bought a six pack of Kinderbars (candy bar that is kind of like kitkat + 3 musketeers + nutella) to keep me satisfied. rawr.
Oh and apparently Im too loud in the morning (my side of this story is that she's a light sleeper and the walls are I kid you not an inch thick (I measured) and for goodness sakes I get up at 8 that's not soooo bad) so I'm no longer allowed to brush me teeth or anything in the bathroom in the morning. I have to use the kitchen sink. Yep. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Next week though our schedules are so different that we're not eating together at all so I basically won't see her for an entire week. Ahhhh....
It hqs rqined here for the pqst three dqys qnd it is reqlly cold qnd zindy qnd frqnkly i, tired of it: zhy isnt it behqving like su,,er§ so,e friends qnd i hqve decided thqt ze qre tired of zeqring the sq,e light jqckets qll the ti,e (nobody brought heqvy coqts) and ze qre going in seqrch of blqzer ish things thqt qll the french women weqr lqter;
Bought tzo scqrves yesterdqy qt ProMod; very hqppy qbout thqt; also zent book shopping; two for mere (,y sis) qnd two for me; not telling the first tzo but the second two qre L'histoire de Pi (Life of Pi) qnd Les Confessions d'un Accro du Shopping (Confessions of q Shopqholic); they're level 6 qnd 7. thinking about getting another one. something like a level 8 or 9 just to try it qnd see if I cqn hqndle it becquse hqrry potter is level 6 qnd thqt zqsn't too hqrd.
Yep thqt's pretty ,uch it. ok I'll stop torchering you zith this crqzy ,essed up keyboqrd. Fro, noz on im only posting fro, ,y co,puter:
France looks like Ohio
It's Not Just the Electrical Outlets
Lots of Info: Part 3
Lots of Info: Part 2
Lots of Info: Part 1
Like Sunday but more fun.
This morning Olesya (who is also my current roomie) and I got up early (7 am) and started our super awesome day. No really it really was that good. Breakfast in the hotel (which as it turns out is not complementary but we probably couldn't have gotten it any cheaper). Then off to the Sacre Coeur (the Sacred Heart Basilica)! It was Beautiful. Inside and out. Gorgeous views too, but be warned: it's a bit of a hike. We give any and all stairs evil looks now. Totally worth it though. Montmartre is a very pretty area as well. Very typical "oo-la-la" frenchy.
Next stop Le Palais Garnier. This is the Grand Opera House. SOOOOOOOOO opulant. Everything is marble or gold plated and everything absolutely everything glitters. This is also where many parts of the Phantom of the Opera was filmed. And only 4 euros.
Louvre. The whole darn thing is just so amazing to look at it's unbelievable. I'll spare you the gushing over the outside though and just tell you what we looked at: some random french art, some really cool medieval art (we're assuming that that was also french), the napoleonic apartments, more art, the rubens room (boring), some statues, the venus de milo, the medieval louvre (the original foundations of the louvre castle that the current louvre is built on), a sphynx, winged victory, psyche and cupid, hermes, cardinal richelieu (these are all statues by the way), diana, (there were others but I forget), lots and lots of spanish/italian paintings, and of course the mona lisa. the crowd was INSANE. everywhere else the crowd was very manageable and not at all overwhelming, but...let's just say the venus and the mona lisa are different. asian people (no offense just a general thought here) tend to be VERY pushy and arrogant (with no concept of personal space) and they seem to feel that you do not matter. at all. now for those of you who don't know me, I'm rather short. Not like short short, just below average. Well below average does not cut it. I saw the mona lisa for like 1 minute when someone's head moved. Then it was gone. Pooh. Olesya took a picture above the crowd for me so at least there's that. I didn't really see anything astonishing about it anyway.
So our feet hurt really badly and we were starving (it was like 1:30 at this point). we went out and found this cafe/bar/food place and got sandwiches and cokes. Coke is expensive here (like 4 euros) but i needed caffeine. We ate this in the gardens of the tuileries (just outside the louvre). OMG. so cool. And then we went to the place de la concord. Neat obelisk and fountains. nice buildings nearby. *shrugs*. after that we went to the Sorbonne (the best french university period) but it was pretty anticlimatic. we then continued on to the Jardins de Luxembourg (the real destination anyway). These are beautiful gardens and there's a pretty sweet palace right there too.
After that we had done all of our must-sees and so we decided to take the advice of my Forber's Paris Guide (which has the most helpful map and metro map) and do the boat ride on the seine. This is such a good idea. Beautiful way to see the sights from a different angle. After we passed the Eiffle my camera battery died. Poor thing had been on almost nonstop since that morning. We grabbed dinner at a cafe across from our hotel. Amazing food, great waiter. And then we settled down into the hotel for the night. Cuz it was like almost 10.