
Jackie's How To Write a Perfect Thank You Note

We've all been there. You got the gift. You even liked the gift. You said thank-you in person. It is now the perfectly acceptable 2 days after the fact and you need to write the Thank You Note. It's hard, it really is. I always had a hard time when I was younger trying to figure out what to say besides the obvious "Thank you for the gift". But I've gotten oodles better at it and I thought I'd share my super simple How to Write a Perfect Thank You Note in just a few easy steps.

First start off with your heading. Dear whoever is fine in 99% of all cases. Then feel free to start off with Thank you so much for the ______.

Next, explain why you appreciate it. This is a good time for the This is exactly what I wanted line.

Tell how you plan to use it. This can be a lie. Telling Grandma you can't wait for everyone to see you in her hand-knitted sweater at school on Monday morning will not kill you. It might get you another sweater though.

Now add in a line about a future meeting/phone call/letter. This keeps the thank you note from sounding like a communication cut-off. It also makes it sound more like a heartfelt letter, versus a forced and hurried note.

Finally, thank them once again. The wrap up can be hard sometimes, but try to keep it ending on a word of thanks.

And that's it! Perfect every time!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a thank-you note....

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