Night at the Museum 2
Some of My Best Ideas Really
Blog Post Ideas 21-30
21. What was your favorite color when you were little? Now?
22. What one item is your wardrobe lacking?
23. If you could ask anyone any question (just one), what/who would you ask?
24. How many pets has your family had and what were they?
25. What was your favorite class last semester?
26. If your pet had a major, what would it be? (like a BS in Napology)
27. Which Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character are you most like?
28. Are you a fan of thunderstorms?
29. Realistically, which Hogwarts House would you be in?
30. What is the most embarrasing injury you’ve ever gotten?
Blog Post Ideas 11-20
11. What were some of your favorite childhood board games?
12. What movie (if any) in theaters do you want to see?
13. If you could take any movie and watch it on IMAX, what would it be?
14. What are some of the best/funniest Apples-to-Apples match-ups you’ve had?
15. What is your pet’s name? What’s the story there?
16. Are you a beach or mountain person?
17. Why did you start a blog?
18. What was the last meal you had?
19. When was the last time you had milk and cookies?
20. What is your dream car?
Once again, I'd love to hear your responses, so if you decide to use one, leave me a link!
Jackie's Garden

When I go to the Zoo
Blog Post Ideas: 1-10
1. Provide a running commentary on the sports event you are currently watching
2. What your dog/cat/fish is probably thinking about right now
3. If someone ran up to you and told you if you could answer a riddle correctly you’d get $100, but if you got it wrong you’d get punched three times, would you try to answer it or just walk away?
4. What you wore today and why (this is only good if there’s an intense inner monologue to go along with your outfit)
5. If you were going to die your hair a completely different color, what would it be?
6. What major cities in the US have you seen? Which ones would you go back to?
7. When you go to the zoo, what animals do you absolutely have to see before leaving?
8. What song are you listening to right now? Why do you like it?
9. What color are the walls of the room you are currently sitting in? How do they make you feel?
10. If you had to play hide and seek right now, where would you hide?